Punjab is not the only place where Sikhs are facing conflict??
In Wimbledon this year, there was the news that a Sikh man was asked to leave the center court based on his race and appearance. Everyone would agree that this is not only outrageous but offensive to every Sikh who wears a turban. But this is not a rare occurrence, Sikhs and Sikhi is facing turmoil across the globe, recently in the news a Sikh temple in Germany got bombed whilst a marriage was taking place and also in Australia there was an attack in a Sikh temple.
Sikhs accept the fact that their appearance doesn't fit the norm in western society but we do feel that we should be treated fairly and not have to face discrimination. From experience I can remember going abroad on vacation and facing many adults and children who stare at my turban curiously but sometimes with prejudice. Although I have learnt to deal with it, I have never been confronted about my appearance which cannot be said for many Sikhs in this world.
Social media has helped to bring light to this issue, such as the young Sikh boy in Texas who made a video of a group of kids calling him a 'terrorist' and telling him 'to go back to his country.' Even though many people saw the video no action was taken and we still face the same problem.
Fortunately, there are now many Sikh organisations in the world that promote Sikhi and spread awareness, but we feel that it is still not enough. Steps need to be taken and voices need to be heard to solve this epidemic, no-one in this world deserves to be discriminated or verbally/physically abused based on their appearance. So make a stand, help someone who is facing abuse and don't be afraid to express your faith and culture.
Thank you for listening!