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Sikhi philosophy derives from the teachings of the Guru's and the Gurbani. Not only do Sikhs meditate and worship this philosophy but they use it as guidelines on how to live a good and pure life.


The first teaching in Sikhi is that God is one (Ik Onkar). Sikhs are taught to only worship Waheguru and to read his teachings in the form of the Guru Granth Sahib

In Sikhi, God is believed to be the creator of all, omnipotent (all powerful), omniscient (all knowing) and benevolent (loving). God is also seen as a divine being

To humans, God is indescribable and isn't a he or she, pictures or paintings cannot be made of Waheguru. God is believed to have preached his teachings through the 11 gurus.

Sikhs believe that without God you are nothing and that you should always think of God in the best and worst of times. This is encouraged by Naam Japo (repeat Gods name). 


All Sikhs are taught to be fair and compassionate to others as well as having a good ethical ground. Sikhs will stand up for what's right and defend their beliefs.

Sikhs are also taught to keep a positive mindset and always remain optimistic (Chardi Kala). Many Sikhs will chant 'Chardi Kala' when they are happy.

Guru Ji teaches that all Sikhs must be prepared to sacrifice everything in order to uphold key Sikh principles. Sikhs believe that any religious person should stand by their beliefs and learnings



The five virtues are five qualities that every Sikh should have in order to be liberated from the cycle of rebirth and reunite with God, mukti.

The five thieves are five qualities that every Sikh should avoid in order for them to reach mukti and to prevent them from entering the cycle of rebirth

1. Sat (Truth)- to live a honest and pure life, with no lies.

2. Daya (Compassion)- show care and love to all, be morally kind.

3. Santokh (Contentment)- avoid greed and always be gracious for what you have.

4. Nimrata (Humility)- always remain humble and benevolent, never become egotistic.

5. Pyare (Love)- always have a mindset full of love for your faith, family and friends.

1.Kam (Lust)- remove sexual desires and focus on God.

2.Krodh (Anger)- control your anger and remain calm and collected, to prevent irrational actions.

3.Lobh (Greed)- remove the desire for more things, seek for contentment.

4.Moh (Emotional attachment)- be prepared that all close things will eventually disappear. 

5.Ahankar (Ego)- always remember that you are under God's controla and power



Sikhs are taught to not fear death but to instead prepare for it by achieving the Five Virtues and by conquering the Five Thieves. 

Even though God is believed to be all powerful, Sikhs still believe that they have free will and can determine their own fate. So they should try and lead a good and faithful life.

After death a Sikh will go through the cycle of rebirth, where it is believed that there are 84 million life forms that you go through before becoming a human again. But if you live a good and virtuous life then this cycle can be shortened.

A pure and good Sikh will be liberated from the cycle of birth and reunite with God. This is seen as the ultimate achievement for every Sikh and it should be the main goal for a Sikh.

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