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Welsh 3 peaks for Khalsa Aid



One of SikhiSocieties main purposes is to give to charity. Charity is hugely emphasised in Sikhi, we refer to charity as Daswandh. 

What are we doing:


A team of five people including ourselves will be attempting this challenge for charity. 

On the first day we will be climbing Mount Snowdon which is roughly 1000m (6 hour climb). 

The second day will involve an early morning climb of Cadair Idris (900m) and then an afternoon climb of Pen y Fan (900m).


This will be a very challenging task and we hope to raise at least £5000. Please help us by donating to our justgiving page:


Please help us reach our goal and help to support thousands of refugees who are facing everyday struggles and fear for their lives.

Khalsa Aid:


Khalsa Aid is a non-profit organisation that mainly helps out in war torn areas (recently they helped in Yezidi, Iraq). They give clean water and food to refugees and will make sure that they are safe from the perils that they face. We see this as highly admirable and commendable which is why they are our first choice charity when it came to deciding who to donate to. 

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